Janurary Photo Challenge!
Check out the video above for the January Photo Challenge.This month’s challenge all about taking better black-and-white photographs. I don’t know about you, but after switching to digital I had the hardest time making beautiful black-and-white images. I would like for us to be more intentional with our shooting and post-processing.
The person that turns in the best black-and-white photo by Jan 31st (Reviewed and judged by myself AND Connor) will get a free acrylic or metal print of that image!!!
NEXT MONTH: Nailing Color in-Camera and Photoshop.
PLEASE do not hesitate to contact me when you need help. I’m here for you, but I’m waiting for you all to reach out. Ask me for ideas for the photo challenge, gear questions, advice, encouragement, you name it. I’m here for you and email is the best way to reach me. My contact hours are Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm, Saturday from 9am-12pm, PST. I completely “unplug” on Sundays. (So if you email me on Sunday, give me up to 24 hours to respond, as I am probably playing catch-up).
Once a month, I would like to have a meeting with you, up to one hour. This is also when I will do your portfolio reviews! I can critique up to ten images WITH you. You are in charge of scheduling your monthly phone or Skype meetings with me. I am pretty flexible, and can work with you one times.
The other component of the program is this community page, where we can all help each other and give peer critiques, as questions, and nerd out. I’m still exploring the IP Plus Portal, so for now, email is the best form of communication with me. But I will work on checking in on the community page as much as I can.
The other component to the program is that you all can join me Las Vegas to shoot. If you plan on being in the area, we can work out a time to get together, as long as I have enough prior notice. We are also working out our 2017 workshop calendar now, and I will give all of you previews of the workshop times and topics once they become public.